Data Import


This section presents a summary of the data import step.

Data type .idat files
Data source idat
Number of samples 792
Number of probes 485577
Detection p-values present
bead counts information is present
Quality control information absent

Sample Annotation

The loaded dataset includes a table of sample annotations describing the following traits:

No. Trait Missing Values Type
1 ID identifiers or text
2 Cohort categories or text
3 Cell/Tissue categories or text
4 Age 63 numbers
5 Gender 2 categories or text
6 Sentrix ID categories or text
7 Sentrix Position categories or text
8 barcode identifiers or text
9 Cell Type 756 categories or text
10 Age Group 422 categories or text
11 Predicted Male Probability numbers or identifiers
12 Predicted Gender categories or text

The full sample annotation table is available as a comma-separated value file accompanying this report.