Covariate Inference

Genome-wide Methylation Levels

Genome-wide methylation levels were computed for all 188 samples. The figure below shows the distribution of these values.

Figure 1

Open PDF Figure 1

Histogram of 188 genome-wide methylation levels.

Age Prediction

Plots for the visualization of predicted ages based on the DNA methylation pattern.

A predefined predictor was used and is available as a comma-separated file.

Comparison Plot

Plotting annotated ages versus predicted ages and indicating different traits with different colors and different shapes.

Compare first trait
Compare second trait

Figure 2

Open PDF Figure 2

Comparing predicted ages by age predictor with annotated ages. Points that are labeled with their identifiers have a larger difference than 15 years between predicted and annotated age.

Error Plot

Plotting differences between predicted and annotated age for each sample.

Sample representation

Figure 3

Open PDF Figure 3

Upper Panel: Shown is the distribution of the differences between predicted ages and annotated ages. The black line indicates the median of these differences. \ Lower panel: Differences between predicted ages and annotated ages. The mean of the difference is shown as a dashed line, the 1- and 99-perecntile, respectively, as solid lines. Points that are labeled with their identifiers lay outside of the quantiles.

Immune Cell Content Estimation

Immune cell content estimation was not performed because the assembly is not supported.